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Q :

Is PizzaHut a scam or a legit company?

A :

This is an illegal company. Use a woman touch you but say you touch her. And a male staff physical attack you. Then, kick you out, fire you. Ignore co-workwe witness she touch me.

by Craig956 - September 19, 2022





A :

Pizza Hut is a legitimate company, however, anytime a business is taken over by corporate America, the priorities are placed more entirely on streamlining, efficiency, and profitability. Quality becomes a non issue. The corporations know that their bovine consumers will largely accept whatever swill is placed in front of them, as long as there is a pretty face, a catchy tune, or a flashy commercial to tell them how great it is. Capitalism operates on supply and demand. Consumers set the standards, not the corporations. It is up to the consumers to maintain and demand high standards of the places they do business with. If they are willing to accept a substandard good or service, the business will waste no time providing it to them, thereby taking money out of their quality column and adding it to the profit column. We collectively reap what we collectively sow.

by Rodriquez066 - January 03, 2022





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Q :

How easy is it to get a hold of customer service at PizzaHut?

A :

I couldn't find a number or email on the website. I had issues trying to get through with the number on the receipt. Google gave the correct number. Be prepared to wait 30 minutes before speaking to somebody. The customer service person was pleasant and professional.

by Joyce R. - November 14, 2020





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